ParaVerse NFT Nodes
NFT Nodes
These nodes will reward users with a perpetual yield until they eventually sell their node on the secondary market.
We are able to achieve this breakthrough functionality by implementing our nodes as NFTs, which makes them transferrable. This feature opens up a world of possibilities: A user will be able to sell their yield-bearing NFT on TofuNFT or any other NFT marketplace on BSC network. They can also transfer it to another wallet or gift it to a friend.
Further - Owning ParaVerse node will unlock community features to owners. Each Paraverse Node holder will have his own community server (like Discord) and possibility to live stream on our live streaming platform (like Twitch), usage of both of these features will ultimately lead to owner getting more yield and bonus revenue.
Every ParaVerse NFT will have unique look and will be auto-generated using AI visualization software made by VERSE team.
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